Organic Lawn Care
Why Organic?
Your lawn will be healthier, the environment will be healthier, and you will be healthier. Hodgson’s Home Services will work with you to create your desired lawn without use of harmful chemicals and pesticides. Creating a natural and healthy lawn is accomplished by strengthening the existing grass with organic fertilizer, annual seeding to thicken and replace any old plants and annual core aeration to provide room for strong roots to grow deep. We will feed your lawn 4 times per year, core in the spring (for the best plug removal) and seed in the fall (for the strongest plant growth). Within two years, your lawn will be virtually weed free.
Your Lawn will be Healthier
Many lawns are “addicted” to massive infusions of fertilizers and to frequent watering. These common practices lead to lawns that are not able to defend themselves against pests, as well as lawns with shallow roots that are vulnerable to drought. A well-planned organic lawn has healthy soil and deep-rooted healthy grass able to withstand most local conditions and robust enough to crowd out weeds and to shrug off the occasional pest. Hodgson’s Home Services will seed with mixed fescue – the recommended grass type in our area. Your lawn will green up faster in the spring and stay green for longer in the fall.
The Environment will be Healthier
Your lawn may be small, but the cumulative impact of pesticide, fertilizer, and water use on all the lawns across North America is huge. If you don’t use chemicals on your lawn, they can’t run off and hurt the wild lands or water sources near you, nor can they harm you, your family, or your neighbors.
Yours may be one small yard, but your efforts to take care of it in an organic fashion — by growing native plants and grasses, watering properly, shunning industrial pesticides and fertilizer — will make a difference.
You’ll be Healthier
The stuff that’s toxic to earthworms and soil microbes is not recommended for humans, either. Organophosphates, the chemical compounds that are the basis for most modern insecticides, are neurotoxins designed to be lethal to living organisms, and they work on people as well as on insects. Some of the most common herbicides that make up the “weed” part of common “weed n’ feed” products can be dangerous as well. Even 2,4-D, the most widely used herbicide in the world, can cause serious skin irritation and permanent eye damage, and is often combined with other, more toxic herbicides or with unnamed inert ingredients that can be more dangerous than the ones listed on the label. Our Lawn Doctor Technicians are properly trained and licensed to use these chemicals safely and with minimal impact on the environment but organic is always healthier.
For your Free Estimate, please contact us today!