Your Premier Mowing Service
CALL: (877) 294-7497 TOWNHOMES – $30.00
Using a professional mower service allows you to spend more time doing the things you love and can even be better for your lawn. Many homeowners only sharpen their mower blades once per year (if at all) and are tempted to mow too short. As can be seen from the picture below, setting the mower blade high (3.5″ is recommended for our grass type) will help your lawn regenerate and stay healthy.
Hodgson’s Home Services provides professional mow teams completing service on a regular schedule – only dependent upon weather. Our equipment is tailored to both lawn size and conditions so you can be assured your lawn will treated expertly to provide optimum regeneration potential. Our mower blades are sharpened regularly throughout the growing season and are set to 3.5″.
For your Free Estimate, please contact us today!